February 2021 Numerology Guide: Enchanting Support

February 2021 Numerology Guide: Enchanting Support

February is an Enchanted Forest. Wanna know how to mine its special magic?

In this month’s guide learn:

  • Why this 7 Universal Month can initially feel foggy and anxiety-provoking
  • What you MUST do to use its special magic (and to manifest through BIG changes and upheavals)
  • And I reveal the February numerology Challenge, where we all surrender so we can experience MIRACLES that we otherwise wouldn’t have had access to…

The February numerology Challenge: 7 Days of Magical Guidance


  1. Block out 7 straight days this month to do the challenge.
  2. Every morning (has to be morning!) for 7 consecutive days, engage in a spiritual routine. You could do meditation, prayer or visualization. Whatever you like!
  3. When you are done connecting, say this: “I am open to magical guidance today. I am listening. What bold action am I inspired to take?”
  4. Go do it. You will be led.

If you want to know what I do for my spiritual practice, subscribe to my newsletter to receive The Beginners Guide to the Zero where I detail my 3-5 minute visualization technique on page 2.

TO DONATE AND SUPPORT THIS WORK: <<<CLICK HERE>>> (Thank you in advance!)

WANNA WORK WITH ME? Click HERE to book a session or a program. Email me with any questions. <3

BIG, warm hugs…

P.S. Make sure to follow me on Instagram and Facebook if you need extra support this month. And head over to my YouTube channel where I am posting a numerology video every Friday morning!

Theme music: “Gracias” by Milton Arias licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.

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